Author:Kangdi 06-02-2024

From green tea extract to raspberry ketones, belly slimming patches contain an array of compounds said to shrink abdominal fat. But how exactly do these transdermal patches work?

The adhesive patches allow effective ingredients to be absorbed through the skin directly into the bloodstream. Applied daily to the belly area, the targeted compounds accumulate in the underlying fatty tissues. There, the active ingredients purportedly attack abdominal fat through several mechanisms:

Increased thermogenesis - Compounds like capsicum and ginger may raise body temperature slightly, boosting calorie burn.

Reduced fat absorption - Ingredients like chitosan allegedly bind to dietary fat, preventing absorption by the intestines.

Appetite suppression - Components such as hoodia gordonii act as natural appetite suppressants to reduce calorie intake.

Fat cell shrinkage - Raspberry ketones and other agents are claimed to shrink existing fat cells by altering fat metabolism.

Diuretic effects - Dandelion and uva ursi may mildly increase urine output, reducing water weight and bloating.

Through these combinations of effects, belly slimming patches aim to target abdominal fat, resulting in a reduction of belly size over time. However, many of these claims lack scientific substantiation. Further research is needed to confirm the efficacy of popular patch ingredients for waist reduction.