Author:Kangdi 15-01-2024

Slimming patches infused with botanical extracts have become a popular supplemental aid for weight loss goals. But do these transdermal patches actually help diminish stubborn fat? A new clinical trial provides powerful evidence that applying specific slimming patches can significantly reduce belly fat and love handles.

01. Trial Tests Slimming Patch Ingredients

The randomized, double-blind study enrolled 150 overweight adults aged 18 to 65. Participants were randomly assigned to apply either a test slimming patch or placebo patch daily to their torsos for 4 weeks.

The active slimming patches contained a blend of Coleus forskohlii, fucoxanthin, Garcinia mangostana, and chromium picolinate. These botanical extracts were selected for their potential to stimulate fat metabolism and curb appetite.

Neither researchers nor participants knew who received the active patches during the trial. This allowed unbiased assessment of the slimming patch treatment.

02. Belly Fat Reduced Over 4 Weeks

At the end of the 4-week trial, participants who applied the active slimming patches experienced noteworthy reductions in belly fat and love handles compared to the placebo group.

Specifically, the slimming patch group lost 3.6 cm from their waists on average. They also shed 2.1% total body fat, mostly from the abdominal area.

The placebo patch recipients saw no significant decrease in belly fat or body fat percentage over the 4-week period.

Researchers conclude the natural active ingredients delivered via the transdermal slimming patch method likely caused the fat loss effects. Forskolin, fucoxanthin, mangosteen, and chromium are known to help regulate fat metabolism and appetite when absorbed into the bloodstream.


03. Appetite Suppression and Fat Oxidation Observed

In addition to fat loss, the study found evidence that the botanical slimming patches curbed hunger and increased fat burning.

Participants completed appetite questionnaires throughout the trial. Those using the active slimming patches reported greater appetite control and satiety between meals compared to the placebo group.

Higher levels of serum glycerol in the blood also indicated the slimming patches stimulated lypolysis - the breakdown of fat for energy.

Furthermore, increased thermogenesis activity was observed, suggesting the ingredients ignited fat oxidation and metabolism.  Suppressing appetite while accelerating fat burn likely enabled greater waist and belly fat reduction.

04. Compliance and Safety

Compliance with the slimming patch regimen was high during the 4-week active treatment phase. No serious adverse side effects were reported indicating the transdermal delivery method was well tolerated.

A few participants experienced mild skin irritation which either self-resolved or was easily remedied by relocating patch placement. This supports both the safety and feasibility of using slimming patches for abdominal fat loss.

05. Future Weight Loss Potential

While more research is warranted, this promising clinical trial demonstrates slimming patches may be an effective supplemental tool to help reduce belly fat and love handles.

The natural botanical extracts, when properly absorbed, appear to act synergistically to optimize fat metabolism, curb appetite, and stimulate thermogenesis.

When combined with proper nutrition and regular activity, transdermal slimming patches could offer an easy way to accelerate weight loss results targeting stubborn abdominal fat. More clinical studies are underway to further validate the belly slimming effects of this innovative patch delivery method.