Author:Kangdi 16-10-2020

If you are one of the millions of smokers, and you happen to be the group of people who are struggling to quit smoking, then you must have heard of or used such a magical object-nicotine patch. This kind of thing was actually used to quit smoking when it was invented, because it can provide the body with a sufficient amount of nicotine in the form of a "patch". In this way, the nicotine content in the body can maintain a relatively stable value.

So, someone definitely wants to ask, how can the nicotine patch just stick to the surface of the body allow nicotine to completely penetrate into the blood? In fact, when using this kind of magic patch, you need to place the patch in a relatively smooth place with sparse hair, so that the absorption effect will be much better. The main way of absorption is actually "skin release". Because our pores are open, they can actually absorb foreign substances to a certain extent. And this kind of patch with its own sealing effect just creates such a relatively vacuum environment, which naturally is more conducive to the absorption of nicotine by the body.
Someone may ask if this patch is harmful to the human body. Actively let your body take nicotine? This idea may sound absurd, but for smokers, such psychological comfort may be the most powerful pillar in the process of quitting smoking. Moreover, the nicotine patches content in this kind of patch has actually been assessed by professional medical science, and there are basically no side effects on the human body.