Author:Kangdi 18-09-2020

Misunderstandings in the use of fever cooling gel patch.

The temperature changes greatly in autumn, which is the season for children with colds and fevers. Many mothers will use cooling gel patch for their babies. What are the misunderstandings of mothers about fever cooling gel patch ?

1.The fever cooling gel patch cannot solve all the root causes of fever, but can only play a physical cooling effect. Fever caused by viral influenza should be treated promptly.

2.During the development of the child’s brain, high fever is not good for the child’s brain development. Once a child is found to have a fever, he must immediately use a physical cooling agent "antipyretic patch" for physical cooling, and then quickly seek medical attention to eliminate the cause of the fever.

3.Fever cooling gel patch is an auxiliary physical cooling agent to prevent fever from damaging brain cells. It cannot be used to treat all diseases that cause fever. Consumers must distinguish between the concept of auxiliary and treatment.

4. The physical characteristics of the fever cooling gel patch determine that the cooling effect is good but the process is slow. The entire cooling process will last from 15 minutes to 4 hours. Consumers need to over-advertise the antipyretics in the market for 1 minute cooling or 15 seconds cooling. Stick to a cautious attitude to avoid frostbite the baby too quickly.