Author:Kangdi 17-07-2020

Slimming Belly Patch also contains angelica sinensis and alisma orientalis. Apply it to the midsection and leave it on for a minimum of 12 hours per day. Supposedly, it’ll help you burn fat and suppress appetite. One benefits is the ease of use.
What does Slim Patch do?
Slimming Belly Patch is a weight loss supplement that aims to help you get rid of that stubborn fat while preventing your body from storing additional fat in the meantime. The company behind the product claims that the cocktail of ingredients will suppress your appetite and promote faster fat oxidation.
slimming belly patches
What are the side effects of the Slim Patch?
The Slim Patch better referred as Slimming Belly Patch, side effects according to customer comments may include skin irritation, redness, rash, burning and itching.

How long does it take to get results from the Slim Patch?
You are encouraged to use the Slimming Belly Patch for a minimum of 30 days in order to see real results.

Are the ingredients in the Slimming Belly Patch all-natural?
Yes, all of the ingredients in the Slimming Belly Patch are natural.
Slimming Patches - How To Apply
Simply apply one diet patch each day to a clean, dry, hair free part of your body. Try to drink plenty of water each day then forget about the fact you're wearing it. There are no special foods to buy or points to count. No hunger pangs and no potentially damaging nutrient deficiencies from crash diets. Just remember to drink 6-8 glasses of water each day to help eliminate toxins and reduce fluid retention.

We recommend a minimum 2 month course for best results. From feedback received, the average weight loss achieved per pack of slimming patches is 8-14lbs (3.6 to 6.3 kilos) and each pack lasts 30 days. Please store patches in a cool, dry place.